About Me

I am an internet person of absolutely no consequence who may or may not actually be Best Pony. Everything I say and do is based upon the established scientific fact that the World Wide Web (or "Internet" as it is colloquially known) attained technical and aesthetic perfection in 1999, and everything grafted onto it thereafter has been superfluous.

About This Site

This blog is a repository for my dumb opinions, excreted directly from my brain-bowel onto your computer screen by way of the HTML documents which I laboriously edit by hand and upload to neocities.

The focus of the blog is primarily on reviews of My Little Pony fanfictions. Though I may occasionally post reviews of other media or essays on other topics, MLP fanfiction reviews will make up the bulk of the site's content. If you have no interest in that type of content or have no idea what I am talking about, you are probably in the wrong place.

Moderation Policy

This site is a one-way conduit of information the way the Lord Jesus Christ intended, and as such is composed entirely of static pages. I have neither the interest nor the means of providing you, the user, with any way of interacting with the site. Should you wish to communicate with me for any reason, you may send me an email via the contact page.

Mobile-Friendly Site

If you are browsing on a phone and would like to view the site in a way that is better optimized for your device, you should know that I have nothing but the utmost contempt for you. I hate you and I hate your kind. Please leave my site immediately.